PTSD. (Read the Sepsis post first otherwise this won't make sense)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For so long I never really knew how I 'coped' with not having any kind of counselling through my life, considering I have had quite a lot go on. This is why I started my blog, as I said at the beginning. It was to try and 'self council' myself. But more recently nothing I have done for myself has really worked. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, I had alot of time to think, I wrote two blogs in that time. Two of the most traumatic ones, my face surgery and when I had Sepsis. Now, if you read my sepsis blog, you would know that the cellulitis started from a vaccination. So, now in 2021 Boris is talking about the corona vaccine. I have been talking about it with my friends and family completely aware that I will need it as I am vulnerable and have been shielding for what seems like forever...! But it came to my realization that whenever it was mentioned I got agitated, and then my symptoms started to get worse. Any mention of the vaccine and...